Saturday 24 July 2010

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Awake: 6:37am      Temp 69      sleep 6+25     partly cloudy      overnight @ Nicktown.

My 1st cousin, Flossie, joined our KK this morning & amongst the many discussions, he got our attention when he talked about a 4:00pm Mass @ Saint Patrick Church @ Cameron's Bottom this afternoon.

Established early 1800s, this small church recently had the altar restored to the original when the church was built. K & I agreed to attend Mass @ this church & so did Barry.

After our KK meeting, K & I & Debbie worked out for (1.5) hrs in the community center's gym. Later, Kathy motored to Barnesboro to pick up a book @ the library & do some other errands.

Mid afternoon, Barry called & offered transportation to Cameron's Bottom in his car along with his wife, Bonnie. During the 50's, in my teen yrs, Flossie & I mowed the grass in this cemetery & around this church. Here is my buddy Barry with the church in the background. DSC09820.JPG
And now a look inside to see the re-produced original altar. DSC09822.JPG (20) min later, this church was packed; standing room only. Counting Flossie, there were (7) of us KK members who experienced this church & attended Mass.

Dinner: Italian sausage (from Cunninghams) with peppers, onions, mushrooms, & tomatoes plus fresh fruit.

I really liked this sausage; too bad the store is so many miles away!

We finished watching the movie: "My Reputation" with Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent, Warner Anderson, Lucile Watson, etc. Well mounted soaper with Stanwyck excellent as a long-stifled recent widow who causes scandal in her conservative community when she begins dating Major Brent. 1946. Interesting, but those were the good ole days.

Lights out: 12:18am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 28, 2010 7:08 AM.

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