Wednesday 16 June 2010

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Awake: 6:55am     Temp 68     sleep 6+43      mostly sunny     overnight @ Nicktown.

I left the KK early, picked up Flossie, motored to Indiana, PA & met Scott M @ REA Energy.

I brought our latest house plans for Scott to ponder over & get ourselves on the list this summer for geo thermal heating & cooling construction. We spent about an hr with Scott & it was a good start. DSC09547.JPG Since we both had a small breakfast, I treated Florentz & myself to a darn good hamburger @ the Wolfendales on Philadelphia St. in Indiana, then dropped Flossie off @ his place & arrived home around 1:00pm.

@ 1:30pm, I begin mowing the grass in the inner circle, west side of motorhome & (2) paths that I keep open. Kathy was my wheelbarrow driver & dumper assistant. We finished on the dot @ 5:00pm. The last hr however, Kathy left to bag noodles @ the church hall. Our good neighbor Chuck mowed the big alley section & was finished in about (30) min.

Dinner: leftover tuna casserole & mixed salad. Then we watched our prerecorded political programs.

Lights out: 11:40pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 20, 2010 5:37 AM.

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