Tuesday 15 June 2010

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Awake: 6:15am     Temp 63      sleep 5+57      overcast      overnight @ Nicktown. 

Kathy cut her KK time short to help make more noodles @ the church hall.

Dick, owner of the weed whacker, asked me to slow the idling on his Stihl; so I took it home, started it up & sure enough, the idling is set too high. I will get after that later.

Next, I called Scott in Indiana, PA. We talked about Geo Thermo heating & cooling & Scott agreed to a meeting tomorrow in his office @ 10:00am to discuss this plan further. Later, I called cousin Flossie & invited him to join me tomorrow for a visit with Scott. He said he would be glad to.

I called my youngest sister, Mary Jo, in Lodi, CA; what a coincidence! She was talking with our sister, Corinne, in Lilly, PA. She told me she would call back a little later & she did.

Dinner: leftover chili with pasta & peach slices. 

Evening entertainment: the movie "Monte Walsh" with Lee Marvin, Jeanne Moreau, Jack Palance, Mitch Ryan, Jim Davis, etc. Melancholy Western with Marvin a veteran cowboy who finds himself part of a dying West. Sensitive filming of novel by Jack Schaefer (who wrote Shane). 1970. I was curious about this story; it really is a sensitive & tender western.

Lights out: 12:12am.

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