Wednesday 19 May 2010

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Awake: 5:58am     Temp 47      sleep 5+39      partly sunny       overnight @ Nicktown.

People in Nicktown are busy today; only (2) members @ our KK meeting this morning not counting us. Kathy left early to help make noodles @ the church hall so I also left early to work on a few projects.

After breakfast, I continued the disassembly of Gary's 1600 Watt portable Coleman generator; he spent a good deal of time trying to get the gas engine running to no avail. It would start up & instantly shut down. No matter what Gary tried to do, that fuel shortage symptom continued. I took the carburetor off & disassembled as much as necessary; punching a wire into small holes, cleaning the float & reservoir, etc. Then the reassembly & a test; dang, the same symptom as before! Hey, we don't give up easy. DSC09426.JPG I called my 1st cousin Florentz & discussed this dilemma; he told me about a similar experience on a small engine; he replaced the spark plug &, vroom, it worked. Ok, so maybe it is the plug.

I made a quick trip to Banik's in St. Benedict & replaced the new looking plug with another new plug & gave the engine another test. Déjà vu!

I took a break & visited my neighbor, Mac; he hasn't been mowing his grass lately due to a dead battery on his riding mower. I volunteered to charge his dead battery with my battery charger ...but after a long waiting spell, the charge was minuscule & I ran out of time. He told me he would buy a new battery tomorrow. Back to the generator engine; out of frustration, I called the company who made Gary's engine...only to find out they are out of business. But, the take over company I was talking with told me they do sell parts for this model. I explained to the lady what I had done & still have the same problem; she told me to get a very small wire & punch every small hole you can see. "I've already done that" I told her; but I'll do it again. I thanked her & hung up; that's all for today on this project.

I called John B @ the Indiana hospital & learned he'd been discharged. Hurray!

Dinner: Tilapia fish with rice & golden raisins, cauliflower & a mixed salad.

@ 8:00pm, I attended the Holy Name meeting @ the church hall. After the meeting was over, Father John Paul gave us a treat by telling us all about the Nigerian world he grew up in. Our guys also had many questions & Fr. J P gave some interesting answers. After the meeting, I motored back to the coach, picked up Kathy & we spent an hr doing adoration in our Nicktown church.

Lights out: 12:15am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 23, 2010 11:02 AM.

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