Thursday 20 MAY 2010

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Awake: 6:01am      Temp 49      sleep 5+46     fog, then sunny      overnight @ Nicktown.

Another busy day in the village; many of our KK members are absent so both K & I stayed only long enough to find out that John B was readmitted to the hospital. Seems while at his daughter's house he got chilled, & after covering with a blanket, he had an elevated temp & didn't feel good. He & his daughter decided he'd better go to the emergency room. After 2 hrs of waiting in the ER, it was decided to admit him for observation.

After breakfast what should I do? Oh yes, take that carburetor apart again to make sure all of those small gas passageways & breathers are open & clean. About (45) min later, I pulled the rope & vroom, the engine ran like a scared deer. The lady was right.

I let the engine run for a good (10) min & then plugged in a light bulb to check the electrical section. Nothing! I checked the bulb by plugging it into our motorhome was good. At least the motor is running as it should. I'll concentrate on the electrical problem another day.
@ 3:30, Kathy went to the church hall to gather & bag up the dried noodles. I called John B @ the hospital; he said he's ok.

Next, K & I met with my brother & sister @ the Nicktown hotel bar. We were celebrating Corinne's 63rd birthday by having " Shock Top" beer with pizza. It was a nice & casual get together for us. Josie was not able to be here due to an already planned commitment. DSC09427.JPG Back @ our coach, we watched our prerecorded political programs.

Lights out: 11:24pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 23, 2010 12:46 PM.

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