Sunday 7 March 2010

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Awake: 7:10     Temp 52     sleep 6+03     off & on rain most of day     overnight @ San Diego, CA.

I called for my cousin Al in Nicktown but he was out on serious business. So I talked with his wife, Donna, for a short time & will call Al later this day.

Kathy made a hot breakfast of egg & onion matzos with bacon.

Corinne called & we talked for a good (34) min. She is on spring break & enjoying her free time.

Later, I called my Cousin Al in PA & we had a nice chit-chat for (20+) min. He gave me a really cool description of their winter weather, so cool it gave me the chills. 

Dinner: Kathy's special Chili with chips.

Evening entertainment: We watched Barbara Walters selection of Oscar nominated actors for tonight. Then watched the Oscars themselves. Not only did we enjoy the Oscars but we were delighted to have the whole series recorded; thus skipping over many commercials.

No call from my nephew, Brian, this day.

Lights out: 12:18am.   

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