Saturday 6 March 2010

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Awake: 7:45am     Temp 58     sleep 7+38     partly sunny     overnight @ San Diego, CA.

Kathy did (1) load of laundry & some ironing this morning.

Around 1:00pm,  I called our nephew, Brian, who lives very close to our campground. After yesterday's chit-chat, I wasn't sure when we could expect to see his smiling face. My phone call didn't go through so I hung up & will call him later on. About (5) min later, we had a message on our cell phone that he didn't feel well & would not visit us today.  

About 4:40pm, K & I left for shopping @ CVS/pharmacy & took our umbrellas with us. Good thing, as a major cloud burst en route to & from the store would have soaked us plenty. Afterward, we attended the 5:30pm vigil Mass @ St. Brigid Catholic Church. We like this church a lot. The priests have always given good homilies & their music encourages us attendees to sing our hearts out.

After Mass, K & I motored about ½ mile & shared an Ahi tuna Caesar salad & bread dinner @ the World Famous Restaurant. This is the 3rd time we've had this meal & we love it. Aside from spending about (20) mins seeking a parking spot, it was a nice diversion.

Back in our motorhome, I had a (42) min chat with John in PA. He cautioned me to take our time going east. They have a lot of snow yet to melt.

Evening movie: "All Fall Down." We watched a good ½. 

Lights out: 1:07am.         

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