Saturday 20 March 2010

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Awake: 6:22am     Temp 52     sleep 6+13     sunny     overnight @ Las Vegas, NV.

Aha: Spring Equinox is here. High temp in Vegas today: 72.

Kathy did (1) load of laundry this morning while I climbed the ladder to wipe off the accumulated dust from Thursday's & Friday's strong winds.

Kathy also did some needle pointing while watching HGTV (House & Gardens) TV.

We attended the 4:00pm vigil Mass @ St. Anne Catholic Church; (2.2) miles from campground.

En route to our motorhome, we visited a new store (for us): "Food for Less" & actually found the prices lower on produce & yogurt so we stocked up on a few items.

Dinner: Reuben Sandwich using left over corned beef & Kathy made Russian dressing with sauerkraut & Swiss cheese.       Very, very good meal!

Evening movie: "Brighton Rock" with Richard Attenborough, Carl Marsh, Hermione Baddeley, William Hartnell, etc. Tour-de-force role for young Attenborough as loathsome, baby-faced gangster who finally gets his comeuppance. 1947. Kathy didn't much care for this story as it was slow & difficult to understand the British accent. It only took (3) nights of various lengths to finish. My recommendation: just view the last (30) min.

Lights out: 11:43pm.      

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 23, 2010 12:58 PM.

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