Friday 19 March 2010

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Awake: 7:07am      Temp 57       sleep 6+45       sunny-windy    overnight @ Las Vegas, NV.

Kathy had found an ad for movies for $1.00 in Vegas, so we thought we would check it out & perhaps see a modern movie for a change. The movie "Blind Side" was playing today.   

Before we changed clothes I suggested we call the theater to find out if parking is free & that movie is playing today. Well....Kathy tried twice & both times, "the number you are calling has been disconnected" was heard; next plan, a 1940's movie tonight @ home with popcorn. Mid afternoon, we motored west on Sahara Ave to Trader Joe's for milk, oatmeal, Boursin cheese, etc. DSC08944.JPG Dinner: Clam chowder with oyster crackers, & a mixed salad with olive rosemary bread.

Evening movie: "Brighton Rock." We watched another (40) min.

Lights out: 12:09am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 23, 2010 10:09 AM.

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