Wednesday 20 January 2010

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Awake: 7:17am     Temp 51     sleep 7+19     heavy rain & wind     overnight @ S. Diego.


Early morning rain & winds kept us indoors until around noon time; then a lull gave us the opportunity to walk around Mission bay for an hr. The water level in Mission Bay by the way, was definitely higher & chunks of palm cuttings were scattered around the grounds.


When we returned from our walk, Larry called; he & Sallie are having lunch @ the Vietnamese Pho Time Restaurant & would like to have us join them....which we did.


During our time with Sallie & Larry, mild rain & wind began. After eating, we were close enough to Trader Joe's & Henry's that we did some light grocery shopping.


Back in our motorhome, we were excited to watch the political news on Satellite....however, waves of strong winds & heavy rain blocked out our TV signals for the rest of the evening. So, it was a crossword puzzle, reading evening until movie time.

Dinner: The Pho Time meal was ample food for the day.   


Movie with a snack of popcorn & mixed nuts: "Wag the Dog." We watched ¾.


Lights out: 12:28am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 23, 2010 12:17 PM.

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