Thursday 21 January 2010

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Awake: 7:00am     Temp 60     sleep 6+32     rain     overnight @ San Diego, CA.


Did you ever hear the expression, "not much to talk about but the weather!" Well, here goes:


During the morning, we had some intermittent strong winds with heavy rain; then sunshine until about 3:00pm. Next, a short rain & then a strong wave burst @ 7:05....then nothing until 11:15pm, when a short burst led up to more heavy rain & a thunderstorm.

I was certainly glad we weren't asleep because we surely would have awakened with all the noise that system manufactured.


Zack called just before 7:00pm; he & Nick walked together to Nick's condo from work & now Zack has another (25) min walk before reaching his place. We had a good (32) min gab session covering a number of interesting subjects which we cannot divulge @ this time. I will say that we both enjoy these impromptu phone calls the boys are able to make now & then. And so: "we thank you boys & you too, Katrina, you do good as well."  



We finished watching: "Wag the Dog" with Dustin Hoffman, Anne Heche, Denis Leary, Willie Nelson, Andrea Martin, etc. A desperate White House team, eager to fend off impending negative publicity about the President, hires a political fixer (De Niro) who recruits a hotshot Hollywood producer (Hoffman) to stage a nonexistent war, simply to distract the public. 1997. Who knows, we may be having these same distractions by our government during these current times!


Lights out: 12:03am.  

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 24, 2010 10:11 PM.

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