Tuesday 12 January 2010

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Awake: 7:27am      Temp 49      sleep 6+53     sunny       overnight @ San Diego, CA.

Mid morning, Dick the retired logger, dropped by to say his goodbyes; we exchanged address & phone # cards.

@ 12:01pm, Kathy drove the Suzuki while I pulled out of our campsite #136 with our motorhome & parked @ the campground office. We turned in our key & re-registered for another campsite starting tomorrow afternoon; 24 hrs later.

Next I drove about 1000 feet & parked our motorhome in a spacious parking lot that primarily is available for daytime use people who visit the park & there are many. We'll keep our slides retracted & sleep on individual couches to draw less attention to ourselves as we are not 100% sure that overnight parking is permitted. DSC08413.JPG
Meanwhile, a shopping we will go; 1st, top off our Suzuki's fuel tank @ Costco with (14) gal @ $2.89 per gallon, & then more grocery shopping @ Costco. After storing the foodstuff in our motorhome, we again walked the trail around Mission Bay for a total of 3.5 miles of good exercise. As we walked along the concrete trail, we observed a steady stream of traffic that never seems to end on I-5 leading to downtown San Diego. DSC08414.JPG Evening sunset gave us a few photo opportunities that we had not planned for; we projected our return to the motorhome before sundown. You are looking across a small section of Mission Bay & seeing a few lucky people who have some nice homes. DSC08418.JPG After a change of clothes, we drove over to the Pacific Beach area, found the Vietnamese "Pho Time Restaurant" on Garnet Ave & joined Ken, Lee, Sallie & Larry for dinner.

Ken & Lee have eaten here before but for the rest of us, a new experience. They helped us in ordering, so our meals were basically big bowls of seafood soup with different veggies & spring rolls. Very healthy with lots of different options; next time, I would like to try more & different options.

After a "goodnight" to the gang, K & I motored a few blocks & bought organic milk @ Henry's & Stilton cheese @ Trader Joe's.

With our generator running for about (2) hrs, we watched recorded ABC news, Jeopardy, & the O'Reilly Factor.

No movie tonight.

Generator shut down & lights out: 11:32pm.

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