Monday 11 January 2010

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Awake: 6:34am Temp 49 sleep 6+20 sunny overnight @ San Diego, CA.

Sallie called & invited us to take a ride with them to Copley Park Place & other areas. Larry is looking for a sturdy plank or something to place under his motorhome tires so that he can cross over a dip in the road or a curb when parking at his daughter's house. Only (1) driveway is allowed & it leads to the garage. Larry is looking for a way to prevent harm to the rear of his motorhome.

We ended up visiting La Mesa Motorhome sales & Holland RV sales both @ the Copley Park Place. Initially we were distracted by so many new motorhomes in the sales lots..... so we climbed aboard @ least (6--8) new RV's & examined their floor plan, structure, kitchen, bathroom, etc. Larry noted that the prices were down from last yr. Most of the RV's in the sales lots were new, but one stood out as not so new: a Newell, 1988. Look closely to the right for a 1/3 view. This old Newell is the only motorhome we have seen having a bathtub. DSC08411.JPG The parts department didn't have what Larry was looking for, so we moved on to the next hunt: the Mitsuwa Market place in the Kearny Mesa neighborhood.

This is the biggest of all Japanese stores we have visited in the USA. Here Sallie purchased (3) Japanese bowls to replace the ones that she recently broke & a box of (5) smaller monkey bowls for her grandkids.

Mid afternoon was upon us so Larry purchased some sushi & twisted our arms to help clean off the plate. It was a real treat to help Larry. Next stop, Barnes & Noble book store @ the Hazard Shopping Center. Sallie spent some time looking for books to purchase as a gift for a friend's new baby while the rest of us perused books of interest.

Back @ Sallie & Larry's campsite, we made plans for tomorrow's rendezvous for a Vietnamese dinner with S & L & other friends, Ken & Lee.

Evening movie: "The Hospital." We watch ½.

Lights out: 12:34am.


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 14, 2010 10:31 AM.

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