Wednesday 2 September 2009

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Awake: 5:53am Temp 47 sleep 6+09 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

After our workout in the community center with Debby, we had a small breakfast & then motored to visit Kenny & Doris at their home near Ebensburg. For the next (2.5) hrs, Kenny exposed us to more house building ideas & procedures necessary long before we even get started; "getting a jump on the builder & staying ahead is very important" said Kenny. He has a lot of experience & without a doubt, knows what he is talking about.

During our ground schooling, Doris excused herself, went into town & brought back some delicious spinach rolls & white pizza for lunch. We hadn't planned on this thoughtful treat but thanked them never-the-less. We will be keeping in touch with Kenny as time goes by.

Back in Nicktown, K & I attended 6:00pm Mass. Afterwards, we invited Theresa to join us for a beer in the bar side of the Nicktown Hotel; a pre-celebration for her birthday which is tomorrow. She was very appreciative.

Lights out: 11:49pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 7, 2009 5:49 PM.

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