Tuesday 22 September 2009

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Awake: 5:54am Temp 63 sleep 6+23 light rain morning overnight @ Nicktown.

After our Koffee Klub meeting, I had a small breakfast & then drove the Buick to Al's Tire Service in Barnesboro for an oil change, filter, lube job & new anti-freeze in the radiator. During my waiting time, I read an RV magazine & some more of the Smithsonian book of "Flight."

Meanwhile, Kathy dropped by & said a quick "how's it going?" before visiting the library & a few other stops. Actually the mechanic was finishing up on the Buick, so from here, I topped off the tank & returned to Nicktown.

We are expecting Karen & Steve around 5:00pm today; they are on their way from MI to FL & stopping to visit friends & family along the way. Our last visit with them was on January 11, 2009 in the Villages of Florida where they have their winter home.

Karen & Steve arrived about 5:30pm & we wasted no time getting into the "yak-yak" mode. Today is their 36th wedding anniversary so we treated them to dinner at Roland's. Kathy & I shared a meatloaf dinner.

After dinner, back at the MH, Kathy & Karen scrutinized our house plans as they are so far. Steve showed us a golf club that belonged to his grandfather; a beautiful wooden shaft & club head in excellent condition. About 9:00 pm Karen & Steve left for Barnesboro where they will spend the night at the City Hotel. We'll wait for their call to meet for breakfast.

Lights out: 11:59pm.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 26, 2009 6:06 PM.

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