Sunday 6 September 2009

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Awake: 6:53am Temp 57 sleep 6+43 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA

Rosemary & Gary C. arrived @ 10:00am giving us a few minutes to talk before the planned arrival of the Footes. Corinne announced she would be coming later & would join us in the dinner line, & my brother & his wife have for yrs been joining us when we are close to the dining room entrance.

@ 10:35, G, R, & I started walking to the church hall while Kathy remained @ the motorhome waiting for the Foote family. We didn't get far when suddenly this fast moving van came roaring into our driveway, yes it was the Footes.

Already the dinner line was wrapped completely around the pavilion & starting up toward the road when we arrived on the Festival grounds. One thing about a slow moving line, you can update each other along the way, meet old friends & relatives, as well as, make new acquaintances.

Our crew was complete about (35) min from the dining entrance; we also took in 1st cousin Jo Ann which made our total (13). We were seated just before noon time & as expected, the service, food & atmosphere were delightful. I could have eaten another piece of homemade cherry pie but nothing else @ this time.

Afterward, Kathy went with the Footes to Funland, the tent of fun things to do for the little (young) people. Our guys had a good time fishing for dolphins; choosing from the duck pond; driving the car maze (a bit too difficult for our guys); filling plastic necklaces at the "sand art" booth; etc, but they missed the "Digging for Dinosaurs" game which was replaced by the "Pirate's Treasure Chest" (too involved & not as much fun).

And I met up with quite a few classmates, cousins, friends, & neighbors, both near & far during my social time....whom I haven't seen for awhile, a year or years.

Mid afternoon, I joined up with the Foote Family & Kathy & spent some time with them before they decided to return to their Foote Castle. Kathy walked back to the MH with them & spent some more time before returning to the Festival grounds.

After Kathy returned we both hung around until about 7:30pm...kibitzing with the locals & having a tasty hamburger with onions & peppers.

@ 9:00pm, we watched the fireworks which lasted a good (25) min. This was certainly a very pleasant day & so nice to see so many cars parked anywhere & everywhere.
In our motorhome, we finished: "The Bridge on the River Kwai" with William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, Sessue Hayakawa, Geoffrey Horne, James Donald, Andre Morell, etc. British soldiers in Japanese prison camp build a bridge as a morale exercise..under single-minded leadership of British colonel Holden and Hawkins plot to destroy it. Psychological battle of wills combined with high-powered action sequences makes this a blockbuster. Seven Oscars including best picture & director, best actor, Guinness, etc, etc. 1957. Really, really a good show mates.

Lights out: 11:39pm.

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