Saturday 5 September 2009

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Awake: 6:33am Temp 52 sleep 6+46 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

After a quick (15) min with the Koffee Klub members, I reported to my boss, Jim, @ the pavilion, which is next to the church hall. I volunteered to work the day before our Nicktown Homecoming Festival so I'd be free all Sunday to enjoy the people, those living near & far, whom I know & don't get to spend much time with.

Meanwhile, my partner Mike & I did as we were asked & started opening closed windows/doors on the pavilion; approx (9) & bringing the pavilion to life with air & light.

Next, more help arrived to string out 5 or 6 long tarps which we secured by rope in a zigzag pattern for over 100 feet of roofline...back & forth from the pavilion to the church hall. Then another zigzag rope from building to building goes on top of the tarps to hold them down in the event of strong winds. They also give the people who are in line for dinner some welcome shade.

A side job was with another Mike; he helped me carry (2) rather large clothes hangers (5-6) feet in length, over to the church hall from the pavilion. So far, these projects have taken us about (3) hrs total.

Then my boss, Jim, asked if I could help the guys replace the tablecloth & cover it with plastic where people will be leaning & waiting for their food from his hamburger, French fry stand. About this same time, Kathy meandered into the pavilion & automatically offered to help us. Good thing she did; that job took another (1.5) hrs. Jim was very appreciative for that.

Kathy spent about (2.5) hrs in the kitchen prepping raw chicken pieces on large trays with oil, S & P & paprika to be kept in the refrigerator, ready for early morning cooking tomorrow, & cooked chicken pieces for the shut-ins.

K & I returned to our motorhome by 2:00pm. Later we walked to church & attended the 6:00 pm vigil Mass. Many people opt to attend this Mass giving them time on Sunday to get an early start lining up for admittance to the church hall to feast on the chicken noodle dinner & homemade pies.

Dinner: CBLTs...that's corned beef, lettuce & tomato!

Evening movie: "The Bridge on the River Kwai" We watched ½.

Lights out: 12:10am.

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