Friday 11 September 2009

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Awake: 6:21am Temp 50 sleep 6+10 afternoon & evening rain overnight @ Nicktown.

After morning exercising & brunch, I called Bill M. in WA & left a message. We are trying to rendezvous somewhere this fall either in PA or later in CA. Then I called Larry in WI & gabbed for (20) min. We talked of rendezvousing with Larry & Sally in San Diego toward the yrs end.

K & I ordered Ken Blackburn's "Paper Airplane Book" on line. The author of this book has held the world's record for the longest airborne paper airplane flight (27.6) sec; just recently that record has been broken by .3 sec by a Japanese fellow.

Tonight we are honored to be invited by my sister Corinne to have dinner @ Roland's Family Restaurant in Spangler. "Order whatever you want" says Corinne. "Wow!" In addition to having some good food, Kathy doesn't have to cook & I don't have to do the dishes. "This is a real treat!"

Corinne had the turkey dinner with mashed potatoes, gravy, & stuffing. Kathy had the fish dinner with baked potato & mixed salad. I also had the fish dinner but with mashed potatoes & gravy + mixed salad. Kathy & I couldn't finish our meals, which were very good, so we each ordered a doggie bag.

We also had a tour of the 2nd floor of the restaurant given by Ruth, a 1st cousin who's daughter & son-in-law are the restaurant owners. The area has a kitchen, bathrooms, & space that can accommodate up to 100 people.

Back in our motorhome, Zack called from the Sea-Tac Airport; he was on his way to San Francisco tonight. Both a social visit with his buddy Jeff for (2) days & (4) days attending a business conference during which he will give a talk for Isilon Systems.

We couldn't show Corinne any slides on the big screen of our travels as our DVD hasn't been picked up yet from Gruss Electronics Repair in Johnstown. Corinne will wait until another time to see those slides. We just enjoyed talking with each other. We thanked her profusely for her generosity tonight & wished her a good week with the UPJ students & faculty members.

We finished watching: "The 49th Parallel" with Anton Walbrook, Eric Portman, Leslie Howard, Raymond Massey, Laurence Olivier, etc. Taut, exciting WW2 yarn of Nazi servicemen whose U-Boat is sunk off the Canadian coast. Top-notch cast, rich suspense and characterizations. 1941. Unusual but great story. Without a doubt, add it to your list.

Lights out: 11:51pm.

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