Wednesday 26 August 2009

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Awake: 7:51am Temp 60 sleep 6+30 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Today I got our (2) old cars out of storage & plan to use them for a few weeks before returning them to storage again. The Toyota's battery was dead so I had to use my jumper cables to start the car, & then drove it to where our motorhome is parked where I charged the battery using my battery charger.

K & I skipped our regular breakfast time this morning, so around 3:00pm we had BLT sandwiches with some really tasty home grown tomatoes from Ken's garden. Oh how we have missed having these homegrown veggies up to now.

K & I attended evening Mass in Nicktown followed by an hr of Catechism with Father Job in the school social room. Afterward, (5) of us relaxed @ the Nicktown Hotel having a few beers @ the bar. Interestingly enough, there were more ladies on the bar side then men.

Dinner: leftover salmon stir fry.

Lights out: 12:09am.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 30, 2009 6:08 PM.

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