Tuesday 25 August 2009

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Awake: 6:23am Temp 56 sleep 6+13 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Late morning I called my brother in Ebensburg; he has a roof fan that pulls out the heat & fumes from their inside grill in their sunroom. A few months ago, he disconnected the wiring from the fan on the roof but forgot which wires go where. I told my brother that we need to get some groceries in Ebensburg today & asked if this would be a good time to wire up that roof fan. He said: "come on up & we'll fix that fan & then you'll be our guests for a Rotary picnic @ 5:00pm." "You've got a deal" I replied.

My brother climbed up the ladder & I followed after he was on the roof. With my trusty Fluke, I measured continuity with the power off & voltage with the power on; try as we might, we could not get that fan motor to turn, only a dull hum. We could spin the rotor so it wasn't frozen; otherwise, I ran out of ideas. I asked my brother to let me know what he finds out when his electrical friend troubleshoots it.

On to the Rotary picnic; over a dozen Rotarians showed up for this occasion. We were introduced to about half of them, (nice people of course), then went through the food line & picked a table at which to eat & kibitz.

Dinner: Hamburgers or hotdogs, with all the condiments, fresh peach slices with fresh blueberries, potato salad, cold slaw, & several cake selections for dessert. It was all very good & I especially enjoyed the peaches with blueberries.

We thanked my brother & his wife for the invite....plus I apologized for not being able to get his roof fan running. From here, we loaded up on groceries from Wal-Mart & then returned to Nicktown.

Lights out: 1:21am.

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