Sunday 17 May 2009

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Awake: 5:52am Temp 46 sleep 6+19 cloudy overnight @ Nicktown.

1st thing this morning, I dropped Kathy off @ the church hall @ 6:15am; she volunteered to sell 50/50 tickets from 6:30am until 9:00 am. Then she planned to join me in having breakfast @ the church hall. It's a good breakfast & always someone interesting joins us to talk with. We returned to our home-on-wheels @ 10:30am.

After changing clothes, I found another tent worm on a nearby tree; these worms were much higher in a tall tree & more challenging, but I roasted them eventually anyway.

Again, I spent a good deal of time working with Picasa & our travel photos, including a wee bit of progress; I was able to send Nick one of our family photos from Christmas-2008.

Dinner: Italian sausage with onions, peppers & mushroom plus a spinach salad.

Nick phoned from Seattle; he is worn out from having a busy-good time playing in sandboxes & being with Jerry a good part of the day; he's hoping Jerry is worn out enough for a good night's sleep. He preferred calling in lieu of Skype this time. Having (2) phones, we had no shortage of gab time.

Evening movie: "The Conversation." We watch about 1/3.

Lights out: 12:22am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 21, 2009 8:31 PM.

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