Monday 18 May 2009

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Awake: 5:30am Temp 33 sleep 5+08 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

Kathy went grocery & thrift store shopping in Barnesboro early afternoon. During her fun time away, I tested the pvc water circuit lines in pump house # 1 & found no runs, no drips & no errors. Also I replaced the water pressure gauge in pump house # 2. I was preparing to change all filters & have both campsites with water available when my 1st cousin Florentz pulled into our circular drive, so I'll save this exciting moment for another day.

We sipped some wine & discussed how his wife Anna is doing @ Health south in Altoona. This is a tough time for my cousin & the only thing we can do is: say our prayers. I did ask flossy if he would like to see a slide show of "Little Israel" before dinner & he succumbed. During the slide show, Kathy baked a marble fluted cake for Melissa's 35th birthday on Tuesday.

Dinner: meatloaf with roasted veggies & whole grain bread. During dinner, we sipped some of
Flossie's homemade wine...which is always a pleasure.

Late evening, after Florentz left, we finished watching: "The Conversation" with Gene Hackman, John Cazale, Allen Garfield, Frederic Forrest, Cindy Williams, etc. Brilliant film about obsessive surveillance expert (Hackman) who makes professional mistake of becoming involved in a case & finds himself entangled in murder & high-level power plays. 1974. Great story & you'll love the finish.

Lights out: 12:38am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 23, 2009 1:22 AM.

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