Tuesday 13 January 2009

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Awake: 6:26am Temp 57 sleep 5+31 light rain overnight @ Bushnell, FL.

K & I walk the campground for (35) min of exercise…. & return Rosemary’s umbrella, now that the rain has stopped.

I make numerous phone calls to locate a suitable campground so we can continue further south in Florida. The message I had left late afternoon yesterday for a campground in Frostproof, Florida was not returned…so I call again. The lady tells me they have only (1) site available for a motorhome of our size. After a few more questions & answers, I tell her: “I’ll take it & we’ll be there early tomorrow afternoon.”

Meanwhile, Kathy drives the Suzuki to the town of Bushnell for grocery shopping & to pick up updated picture prints of our children & grandchildren. During her shopping time, I try to fix the leaking water line for our ice cubes….to no avail. This is the 3rd time it’s failed; the splicing effort is not working.

Dinner: pork chops, brown rice, broccoli & a mixed salad. After dinner, we meet Gary & Rosemary @ the clubhouse & play our new game of “Sequence” for (9) rounds; guys against the gals. Again, Gary & I are nice & let the gals win by a 5 to 4 margin. Though this game is fun & challenging to play, by 9:15pm we have had enough & return to our respective homes-on-wheels.

Tonight’s movie: “Mr. & Mrs. Smith.” We watch 1/2….someone quit paying attention.

Lights out: 11:24pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 15, 2009 10:57 PM.

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