Monday 12 January 2009

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Awake: 7:27am Temp 59 sleep 5+52 overcast overnight @ Bushnell, FL.

K & I walk the campground for (30) min of exercise. After breakfast, Rosemary & Gary ride with us in the Suzuki to scrutinize the huge Flea Market in Webster, FL; about a (15) min drive.
Lucky for us, we wore jackets; a cool wind with a minute amount of sunshine kept us on the move for a good (4) hrs. For me this was the most extensive flea market I’ve ever attended, so I couldn’t help but look carefully @ things I’ve never seen before; as a result… it was down right fascinating. We all bought something: Kathy & I, a Jumbo Sequence game & a small sledge hammer for cracking those butternuts + some veggies. We also shared an Italian sausage sandwich around 2:00pm. We return to our campground around 2:30pm.

Next, Gary & I play (8) games of 8-ball in the clubhouse; a tournament to behold! @ times, our audience numbered as many as (2), not counting ourselves.

Dinner: leftover chili. Then we visit Rosemary & Gary in their RV for a few games of “Diminishing Bridge.” I like this game mainly for its unpredictability. During our visiting time, rain, heavy @ times, fell on the campground & I didn’t realize soon enough that I left my shoes outside before entering their RV. I felt like a duck trekking back to our motorhome with sloshing shoes but, thanks to the use of Rosemary’s umbrella, we were dry from there up.

Late movie: “Tomorrow” with Robert Duvall, Olga Bellin, Sudie Bond, Richard McConnell, Peter Masterson, etc. Overlooked Faulkner story about a handyman who cares for & eventually falls in love with an abandoned pregnant woman. Bellin is excellent; Duvall astonishingly good in best-ever screen presentation of the author’s work. 1972. Very slow & methodical; but a great character study story. There was not enough action for the James Bond girl (Kathy) so she gave it...thumbs down.

Lights out: 12:55am

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