Thursday 16 October 2008

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Awake: 5:25am Temp 62 sleep 5+19 periods of light rain overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass & then join the KK for (1.3) hrs. Back @ our coach, my bro Don calls from Maryland & leaves a message; I return his call & leave him a message.

After breakfast, K & I motor to Johnstown & Scalp Ave; grocery shopping @ Conzatti’s & Wal-Mart; stocking up our cupboard; returning to Nicktown @ 4:20pm.

Dinner: leftover spaghetti with Italian sausage, meat balls, artichoke & root veggies in cheese sauce.

During dish cleaning time; we watch the history channel: Germany’s Autobahn.

Gary C. calls: they have returned from their RV trip to Lancaster & Gettysburg, having enjoyed the fall colors & history, etc.

Mid evening, K & I visit with 1st cousins Lou Ann & Herk; Kathy & Lou Ann gab in the living room while Herk introduces me to his basement workshop. During our visit, their daughter, Theresa, her husband, Frank & their 2 children visit. During this visit, Lou Ann makes a call to Greg, one of her sons, & requests a few bags of butter nuts for me. A thoughtful gesture as I've been looking & asking to no avail.
Lights out: 12:14am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 24, 2008 5:42 PM.

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