Friday 15 October 2008

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Awake: 6:51am Temp 46 sleep 6+37 overcast overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then spend (15) min @ the KK meeting. Our social room was previous booked with other business & we knew we were good for only (15) min. This was in our favor as we wanted to get some good exercise in this morning without using ½ of the day. (1.7) hrs later, we have had enough.

Back @ our motorhome, Melissa calls: she tells the nurse that Matthew has a swollen, painful gland under his jaw & wants to know if she should take him to the Dr. Kathy asks a few pertinent questions & confirms that Melissa should take him to the Dr.

After breakfast, Kathy calls Melissa to find out what the doctor said: Matthew has an ear infection & was given antibiotics.

Later Kathy motors to Barnesboro for to pick up a few items to make an appetizer for this evening’s company.

My bro Don calls from Hilton Head, South Carolina; he & Josie are touring Savannah, Georgia this afternoon. Apparently my brother went to boot camp there when 1st joining the army in the early 60’s.

Dinner: Tuna casserole with broccoli.

I had just finished the dinner dishes when Barry & Bonnie arrive for a visit. We have been trying to have this couple over before we leave for the winter &, finally tonight, it’s happened.

Barry & I are nuts about airplanes…ever since grade school. Barry was a top mechanic during his time in the Air Force & has a keen memory for some of the most interesting stories I could ever imagine. They brought the wine & Kathy served a hot artichoke dip with Triscuits & Pita wedges; the evening flew by. Yes, I have flying stories but not as spellbinding as Barry. We enjoyed their visit immensely.

Lights out: 12:10am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 24, 2008 5:48 PM.

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