Awake: 5:29am Temp 61 sleep 5+27 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.
K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then I join the KK meeting for (1.4) hrs. Kathy, however, stayed (15) min & then walked over to the church hall to help the noodle making team make their last batch for the year; over 280# for soup on picnic day & over 200# to sell dry in one# bags on picnic day.
En route to the coach, I visit Carol & we discuss the church hall & the progress of sanding the metal panels. Kathy returns around 12:45pm.
The afternoon was taken up with going thru Kevin’s “Fine Homebuilding” magazines. We’ve had them for awhile; we’ve taken info & ideas from them & it’s high time we returned his collectibles.
Dinner: Leftover crispy-Parmesan crusted chicken on summer lemon pasta.
Watch more of the China series: “(7) wonders of the world.”
Lights out: 11:55pm
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