Saturday 16 August 2008

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Awake: 5:35am Temp 51 sleep 5+25 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Shortly after Kathy awakes, I bring in the BIG hummingbird feeder; we clean it & refill it with nectar. Those little birds drank all but the last few drops from that (16 oz) container in (5) days; impressive!

Kathy talks with Kevin: “we have no grocery shopping plans this morning so we can get an early start on laying concrete” she says. Kevin tells her he will have extra supplies & be ready for our earlier arrival.

After we attend 8:00 am Mass, we motor to the Foote Castle arriving @ 9:45am. Kevin kept his word; sacks of gravel, sand & cement are waiting near the staging area. Within minutes, our smooth running concrete machine was humming away. By 11:45am we were finished. I mixed up some concrete without gravel for Kevin to do some patch up work & then it was time to clean up the tools & wheelbarrow.

Inside the Castle, Melissa was busy making lunch. Matthew asks me to join him on the 3rd floor to play with the Brio train set; good thing I checked with the cook first… we were told we had (30) min.

When we reported for lunch, there was a slight change in the schedule; Kathy & Kevin were outside weed whacking & trimming trees in the front yard. I thought it best to give a helping hand before lunch time.

Lunch: stuffed peppers with a mixed salad & green & red grapes.

I had my small air compressor & battery charger in our Suzuki suspecting that Matthew would want to do the balloon fest again, but it was not mentioned. Instead, he was somewhat attracted to a new game called: Monopoly Junior. Well, Kathy, Matthew & I played that game for a good (35) min; (a very simplified version of the real Monopoly) & he loved it. He also was the winner so maybe that helped his enthusiasm.

We leave for Nicktown @ 3:55 pm……after a clean up & change of clothes; we walk to church & attend 6:00 pm vigil Mass.

We watch the special coverage @ the Saddleback Civil Forum in CA: Obama vs. McCain, Questions & Answers. Then watch some more of the Olympics; both with popcorn.

Lights out: 11:31pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 24, 2008 11:32 PM.

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