Saturday 28 June 2008

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Awake: 5:32am Temp 65 sleep 5+58 cloudy overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then drive directly to Wal-Mart in Indiana for grocery shopping & a quick stop @ Martin’s for cheese. This is Saturday, our “will work for food” day.

Due to a 70% chance of rain, TRW’s etc, Kevin & I elect to by-pass the idea of mixing & pouring concrete for his storage facility today. Instead, we concentrate our time indoors on the 2nd floor with the almost forgotten “newly in progress bathroom & swimming pool.” Kevin, the master engineer on this project, assigns me the duty of cutting & sawing. I feel our progress was good today; support structure on (2) walls plus (2) gate supports built where open space exists. Kevin did a very good job of studying & measuring out the board sizes needed.

Kathy got a “raise” today! After reading to the boys during their snack time, she began working in their playroom on the 3rd floor. She wire brushed a section of a wall that appeared to be mil dewed, but she did not find any wet spots or the cause of the current condition. Since she had already cleaned up the boys Brio trains & tracks & rolled up the rugs, she decided to proceed with removing the wall paper on 2 walls in preparation for the next decorating scheme.

We did break for lunch @ 1:30pm: meat balls, cheesy noodles, beef & potatoes, chicken; all tasty leftovers plus a fresh mixed salad. We return to our coach @ 4:40. Heavy rain began @ 5:25pm. Then K & I drive to attend 6:00pm vigil Mass.

Dinner: popcorn.

DVR movie: “Pressure Point.” We watch about 1/3 & plan a finish tomorrow.

High temp=76 Lights out: 11:38pm

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