Tuesday 17 June 2008

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Awake: 6:06am Temp 53 sleep 6+28 sun & clouds overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then attend the KK meeting for (45) min. Kathy leaves early for more noodle making while I exercise for 1.5 hrs @ the community center.

When Kathy returns to our bus @ 12:45 from not only helping with the noodle making, but also helping to crack 80 dozen eggs for future noodle making; then helps me by picking more wild strawberries. With our containers nearly full, dark clouds move in quickly & we are chased indoors.

Time to see what I can do with the Foote vacuum cleaner; on Sunday, when I realized the problem was not a worn belt but a misaligned drive gear on the motor shaft, I had Kathy help me with a gentle but firm whack on that drive gear to get it back in alignment with the beater bar pulley. It tested good but how long will it last? I trust the Foote vacuum team leaders will let me know!

Next, K & I gather our work gloves, drive to the church hall & continue our slow sanding progress on the metal panels in prep for a primer coat & later paint; (2.2) hrs for us. Midway, a nearby volunteer, Gene drives up & joins us for a good hr also.

Dinner: leftover Buffalo chicken chili.

Late DVR movie: “The Dresser.” After (55) min, someone wasn’t paying attention.

Lights out: 11:31pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 22, 2008 6:01 PM.

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