Monday 16 June 2008

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Awake: 5:37am Temp 61 sleep 6+16 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the KK for an hr; hot topic: obesity. Next K & I exercise for 1.4 hrs.

After breakfast, we drive to Miners Hospital & visit my 1st cousin Bernie who had a stroke (5) days ago. When we arrive, two of Bernie’s childhood friends, Mac & his brother Fred were by his bedside. Bernie couldn’t talk but seemed to know the voices he was hearing. One positive thing happened earlier this morning: in response to the nurse, Bernie agreed that he was hungry; she fed him pureed pork chops, mashed potatoes, & apple sauce. Since his stroke, he has been fed intravenously so this was good news for us.

We leave Bernie with his friends, drive down the road ½ mile & visit another 1st cousin, Richard, (84) who some time ago, fell & broke his hip bone. Richard was very chipper & talkative; he continues his rehabilitation program & is looking forward to getting released from this care center someday. On our way out of the center, we meet Richard’s younger brother, Jim, & his wife, Louise, who are also paying Richard a visit today. En route to Nicktown, we stop & the Giant Eagle & Bi-Lo stores for a few groceries.

Dinner: leftover chili & corn with fresh fruit salad.

Finish watching DVR movie: “Fury” with Sylvia Sidney, Spencer Tracy, Walter Abel, etc. Timely drama of lynch mobs & mob rule in small town making an embittered man of innocent Tracy spoiling his love for sweetheart Sidney. 1936. Good story & unpredictable.

Lights out: 11:38pm

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