Saturday 21 June 2008

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Awake: 6:00am Temp 54 sleep 6+29 partly sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then, with permission from one of our elite members, we skip the KK meeting & motor directly to Wal-Mart in Indiana for grocery shopping.

Today is our day for the: “will work for food” program. Just a quick glance toward the back yard tells me Kevin has already been actively engaged in the storage building progress this morning. He’s been making adjustments on the base frame & smashing more old concrete to further lower the base so less gravel will be needed.

The laser leveler came in handy; after a few more wheelbarrow loads of dirt, I empty (4) (50) lb bags of gravel that Kevin purchased May 10th onto the base; it doesn’t seem possible that we have been so slow with this project. However, if the local weather cooperates, next Saturday we are planning a: mix & pour concrete day.

Kevin’s lunch meal: slow cooked beef roast with potatoes, gemelli pasta, & salad; darn good grub I say.

Kathy’s job today was to sand & paint with chalk board paint, the wall on the landing going up to the 3rd floor; Melissa has talked about making this area a useable chalk board for some time. Though certainly not considered a “job,” she also got to read to the boys during snack time, play with Nathan while Melissa put Andrew down for a nap, play with Matthew on the 3rd floor in her spare time, & play with Andrew while Melissa put Nathan down for a nap.

About 3:00 pm, I ran out of things to do with the time we had left so I called to Kathy that maybe we could leave early & have more time for showers. When Kevin heard that, he was reminded of an outdoor project that he has been wanting to do for (3) yrs now: removing the wire & motion detector lights that run from the basement to the front porch on the side parking area. Using my old extension ladder from storage, I climb up, remove (4) staples & the motion detector assembly & then pull the wire cable & unit around to the parking side of the house & let Kevin have the rest of the fun.

While we were doing that small task, Kathy painted a second coat on the chalkboard.

We leave @ 3:45, take showers & walk to Saint Nicholas church & attend the 6:00pm vigil Mass. After Mass, we talk with Dan & Rose from Ohio; they are in town for a few days visiting family & friends, including Bernie, Dan’s good buddy.

Late dinner: chicken noodle soup.

DVR movie: “Enchantment” with David Niven, Teresa Wright, Evelyn Keyes, Farley Granger, etc. Weepy romancer with elderly Niven recalling his tragic love as he watches great-niece Keyes’s romance with Granger. 1948. A different approach to telling this sad story helped make the climax even more unpredictable.

High temp=77 Lights out: 12:33am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 24, 2008 7:46 PM.

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