Friday 20 June 2008

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Awake: 6:46am Temp 49 sleep 6+23 mostly sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Ray & I do some “not so quick texting” back & forth until Kathy is awake & dressed; then she & I attend 8:00am Mass & join the KK meeting @ the community center. After that lively jaw exercise, we continue exercising other parts of our body for another 1.3 hrs.

Mid afternoon, we motor (5) miles west to my 1st cousin’s place & pay a visit with Florentz & Anna. Flossie is notorious for his wine making skills &, over the yrs, he has passed this talent on to his children. So we spent the afternoon, one might say, wine tasting; snacks were abundant & it took a few hrs to catch up on each others activities since we’ve visited them last September. We always enjoy Flossie & Anna’s company; even more so now that they have Geothermal heating & cooling in their home.

Back on our property, K & I fill those containers to the top with delicious wild strawberries.

Dinner: noodle soup & eggplant roll ups, stuffed with Ricotta & Parmesan cheeses.

Watch the O’Reilly Factor & then a Documentary on Alaska.

High temp=78 Lights out: 11:31pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 24, 2008 7:44 PM.

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