Wednesday 21 May 2008

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Awake: 6:19am Temp 41 sleep 7+07 partly sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Melissa calls mid morning; looking @ higher fuel costs, our small home on wheels, curiosity of her young boys, etc., she is suggesting a change of routine from their regular visits with us. Wanting to educate her boys by seeing different things, different places, etc, she would be willing to drive to within certain mileage limits & have us along in the mini-van to support the travel & explain what we are seeing……….I for one, like that idea; no doubt we’ll be talking more about it.

K & I walk to the KK meeting; a sparse attendance this morning so we cut our meeting short; besides, Kathy left the meeting early to help with the noodle making @ the church hall, the start of weekly sessions of noodle making for the Nicktown Homecoming Picnic.

After breakfast, I run the motorhome’s CAT engine for about (15) min, take advantage of the engine’s compressor & add air to our Suzuki’s driver’s side front tire, which was about (10) PSI low.

@ 11:00am I drive over to the church hall & continue sanding the metal panels for about an hr; then rain stops the process. The ladies making noodles inside the building offered a free lunch which I couldn’t resist. Kathy personally served this welcome feast.
Back @ our motorhome, I call Linda & request to have our mail sent to Nicktown.

Kathy returns from noodle making @ 2:15.

Ray & I talk on Skype.

Ken P. calls from the Penn Run area; last yr I used his mower twice on our property to mow the grass. About (2) weeks ago I talked with him again about using his mower; considering the rise in fuel price & the convenience of his delivering & picking up the machine, I asked him to determine a fair cost? Today he told me he didn’t buy the mower to make money & said: “he’d be comfortable with a certain price & leave any additional amount up to me.”

Dinner: Chili with corn chips; while watching the nat’l news:

Ray & I talk again on Skype for about (25) min.

Lou Anne calls from Kirschtown; she informs me that Joe’s chainsaw is repaired & ready to be picked up.

DVR movie: “Gaslight” with Ingrid Bergman, Charles Boyer, Joseph Cotton, Dame May Whitty, etc. A story about an insane criminal who drives his wife crazy in order to discover hidden jewels. Bergman won an Oscar for her performance. 1944. In the thriller category, Kathy rated this story fairly high.

High temp=50 Lights out: 12:00 midnight

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