Saturday 17 May 2008

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Awake: 6:01am Temp 43 sleep 6+21 fog, then more off & on rain overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass, then with permission, skip the KK meeting & proceed directly to Wal-Mart, Martin’s, Joann’s & the State Liquor store; arriving @ the Foote Castle @ 11:20. Then we temporarily stash our perishables in the Foote refrigerator & freezer.

After we make our apologizes for being so tardy, Kevin & I get right on the job & use the borrowed laser leveler from my cousin & quickly realize the base frame is too high due to old concrete the former storage building was sitting on. In lieu of using more gravel & concrete, Kevin chooses to sledge hammer some of the old concrete out of the way which will allow us to lower the base frame & use a more comfortable amount of cement.

We took turns breaking some of this old & thick concrete until Kevin was asked to fire up the grill; “already?” I ask! We haven’t done enough work yet, I think to myself.

Early dinner: Kevin’s 2nd week of special grilled hamburgers with all the condiments & Melissa’s special potatoes & mixed salad. Very good of course, but I felt a little guilty that we didn’t get more work done.

After dinner, Kevin continues to break up thick concrete while I use my Fluke meter to troubleshoot the 2nd story bathroom fan which isn’t working. At first, I accuse Kevin of putting a nail through some wiring I did nearly (2) yrs ago & which he sheet rocked over just last winter. I wasn’t able to establish anything due to all the ceiling being covered by Sheetrock.

When Kevin arrives to get the electrical report, I mention the unmentionable; the Sheetrock has stopped my progress. He hints that maybe it’s the wiring @ the switch. “N0 dice, I’m not going to disturb that bundle of wires” I tell him. Just like that, he gets his drill & quickly begins reversing those screws out of a full Sheetrock section. With my little help, he had that section down & out within minutes. Then he removed a few staples holding the insulation to the joist & there was the connection box. I didn’t need to take any readings; I could easily see several lose wires dangling outside the wire connector.

I was guilty; those wires should have been soldered & then twisted into the connector. On our next visit, I’ll bring my soldering kit & fix that glitch. It was time for K & me to leave. I didn’t spend much time with the young Foote boys today, but Kathy did. We head back to our bus & clean up & dress for the 6:00 pm vigil Mass in Nicktown.

Later, with popcorn, we watch ½ of the DVR movie: “Midnight Express.”

High temp=55 Lights out: 11:59pm

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