Friday 9 May 2008

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Awake: 5:57am Temp 52 sleep 5+43 rain…heavy @ times overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy is feeling better today, so we attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the KK meeting. Hot topics: life without seat belts.

After breakfast, I begin my homework perusing essay papers of students from (4) Cambria County high schools who are vying for partial college scholarships from our Rotary Club.

Our near neighbor Chuck calls: he is interested in buying a portable GPS for his car & wanted more info on different types & what prominent features would be best.

My brother Don calls from Ebensburg: he’s planning ahead & would like me to check with the Nicktown Hotel & see if they will have the bar open for veterans after the parade & memorial services on Memorial Day. Priscilla R., the owner of the Nicktown Hotel, died on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Kathy is busy cooking in the Galley in anticipation of having our local & legendary young couple over for dinner tonight.

Gary & Rosemary arrive about 3:45pm after doing somewhat of a quick tour of Nicktown. In efforts to calm them down after their exciting tour, we offer them some wine with mixed nuts. More catching up on what’s happening; we discuss their garden planting, summer travel plans……etc. They have questions about progress on house plans, pictures for ideas, talking with the builder, etc.

Dinner: Kathy’s homemade crab cakes, cauliflower, mixed salad & bread pudding with lemon sauce for dessert.

An unusual & rare occurrence happened during our dinner; more famous as being the quiet one, I was asked a number of super questions from G & R about my former lifestyle & I turned into a motor mouth. Unbelievable as it was; their questions had to be preplanned & researched ahead of time as they were so skillfully initiated. Afterwards, I was thoroughly embarrassed; hopefully we can retain our close friendship with G & R.
No movie tonight.
High temp=53 Lights out: 11:03pm

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