Wednesday 12 March 2008

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Awake: 6:11am Temp 51 sleep 7+45 high thin clouds overnight @ Vegas, NV.

Mid morning Skype with Ray; he has ordered a superior camera so we can see his smiling face all the better.

I decide to take today off from visiting the Con-Expo. In lieu of that, I volunteer to help Dick clean up his outdoor kitchen area by removing all tiles from the (2) tables & stacking them in their outside storage unit; also stacking the chairs in the storage unit.

Next, a two man job: covering both sections of the outdoor kitchen area with the tight fitting canvas covers.

Then Dick & I make a trip to Fry’s Electronics store, a (15) min drive from the campground, where Dick inquires about some high tech equipment but decides to buy nothing.

Today is Christine & Dick’s Twelfth Wedding Anniversary so Kathy & I insist that we take them out for dinner to the restaurant of their choice: “Mon Am i Gab i” @ the Paris Casino & Hotel. We met this young couple during our 1st rally with Newell in Indio, CA during 2002 & have casually kept in touch ever since. Kathy & I each have our own meal; she, Steak Bordelaise with thin French fries; I, Steak Roquefort with thin French fries…. & of course, some French wine with our meals. Afterward, Christine wanted to visit Nordstrom’s to buy a nice blouse for her upcoming trip to France to visit her mother. Our evening with the “newly wed” couple was very enjoyable. I think they behaved themselves pretty well in our back seat; but I couldn’t really see them.

DVR movie: “One, Two, Three” with James Cagney, Arlene Francis, Horst Buchholz, Pamela Tiffin, Lilo Pulver, etc. Hilarious Wilder comedy about Coke executive in contemporary West Berlin freaking out when the boss’s visiting daughter secretly weds a Communist. Cagney is a marvel to watch in this machine-gun paced comedy. 1961. No joke; this movie must have worn Cagney out; he took a (20) yr hiatus until his next film in 1981. Don’t miss it!

High temp=69 Lights out: 11:22pm

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