Tuesday 11 March 2008

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Awake: 6:35am Temp 49 sleep 7+09 sunny overnight @ Las Vegas, NV.

My sister Corinne calls from Lilly, PA. She has the week off from her work @ UPJ & she loves it.

Ray calls on Skype; we chat for about (15) min & then I apologize for the fact that I should leave to see the Con-Expo @ the Vegas Convention Center.

Leave @ 9:15am for downtown Vegas leaving Kathy @ the campground; park @ Harrah’s garage 3rd level & ride the Monorail about (2) miles to the Con-Expo @ the Convention Center. This place is HUGE! I spend (5) hrs walking around the Gold Area outside & then the North Hall inside. Fascinating for me, seeing all the different kinds of machinery & construction apparatuses; my coverage of what I’ve seen today is probably only 20% of the total display; the show runs for (4.7) days. I return to the campground in time for wine.

Dinner by Christine & Kathy: Christine’s endive with tomato salad, Cornish game hens roasted by the rotisserie, Kathy’s Ratatouille dish & miniature chocolate éclairs for dessert bought by Dick. We love these home cooked meals.
Lights out: 10:26pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 17, 2008 7:12 PM.

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