Sunday 23 March 2008

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Awake: 6:45am Temp 48 sleep 6+28 sunny overnight @ Las Vegas, NV.

Katrina calls to talk with Kathy about a potato recipe she wants to make for an Easter get together. Kathy lists the ingredients & gives her directions on how to put them together including baking time & temp for “garlic red potatoes with rosemary & Parmesan cheese.”

Nick calls on Skype; unfortunately we have little talk time due to our getting ready for 9:00am Easter Sunday Mass downtown Las Vegas. And what a Mass it was: the Guardian Angel Cathedral was over crowded with more than 1000 people in church with standing room only. We were early but had to sit upstairs anyway because the downstairs pews were mostly taken. It turned out to be the best seat in church as we could see and hear everything,
including the trumpets, drums & organ.

Afterward, we drive over to the Circus-Circus Hotel & Casino for a very tasty breakfast. I owed a meal to Kathy since we missed going out for Valentine’s Day. During our time there, we visit the upstairs arcade area & take special interest in the Chicken game; so much so that I took pictures of Kathy playing the game & by golly, she won a “small blue stuffed bear” in the process.
En route back to our motorhome, we make a stop @ Von’s grocery store.

Afternoon Skype time with Nick, Eriko & Jerry; during our Skype activity, Kathy shows Jerry the “small blue stuffed bear.” It was obvious to us that Jerry was trying to reach into their computer screen to grab that cute little blue bear. We finally decided that we’d better quit showing that cute little bear to Jerry or the next time we click on our Squirrel mail, the big father bear might have conveniently eaten up all of our e-mail.

Late afternoon, we call Zack in Seattle & leave a message.

Dinner: leftover Singapore chicken. We’ve almost finished the leftovers from our cooking spree with Dick & Christine.

Katrina calls to report on her potato dish which, although she made more than could be eaten at the Easter feast, turned out very good. She was pleased & had enough to send some home with the other guests.

DVR movie: “This Sporting Life” with Richard Harris, Rachel Roberts, Alan Badel, William Hartnell, Colin Blakely, etc. Yorkshire coal miner “betters” himself by becoming professional rugby player. Powerful film about love, success & disillusionment; also serves to illustrate what a grueling game rugby is. 1963. Another not so happy story & with Kathy’s anger building, she’s going to beat me up if this trend continues.

High temp=72 lights out: 12:47am

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