Saturday 22 March 2008

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Awake: 6:31am Temp 50 sleep 5+40 sunny overnight @ Las Vegas, NV.

Skype with Nick & family this morning was mostly audio due to poor signals; eventually we reverted to our cell phone.

An hr later, Skype with Ray was very good with the video shut off.

Jeff calls again; we do some more tax talk; he is nearly finished with our tax return.

Melissa calls from Indiana, PA; they had (1.5) inches of snow overnight. Last night Kevin did load the fireplace with wood & lit it this morning with everyone huddling around it. Kevin brings me up to date on their Burnham gas boiler….now that the roaring fire is warming up family & home, when Kevin turned on the furnace to continue his troubleshooting procedures, it started to work as normal. We think that a fail safe system shut the boiler off to begin with but that’s yet to be determined.

A surprise call from Mark B. of Anchorage; his motorhome is in South Carolina so we discuss a possible rendezvous in April. I mention our current location & immediate plans but after hearing that, we dismiss the possibilities of getting together this spring. The last time we had our motorhomes within (10) miles of each other was March 28, 2004 in Oregon.

We call Nick again on Skype & the signal is better. We question Nick as to why our Squirrel Mail isn’t working; “oops” says he; Nick made some changes & hoped that they would go unnoticed before any of us used our computers. Those changes blocked our mail temporarily.

Throughout the afternoon, Kathy does (3) loads of laundry & some house cleaning.

Dinner: left over Ratatouille. We had a small meal, leaving room for popcorn with our movie!

Aunt Robin calls from Fort Myers, FL. Kathy had called her earlier to wish her a “Happy 80th Birthday.” We take turns talking to Robin; she sounds younger than 80!

DRV movie: “Look Back in Anger” with Richard Burton, Claire Bloom, Edith Evans, Mary Ure, etc. John Osborne’s trend-setting angry-young-man play with Burton rebelling against life & wife realistically filmed & acted; dialogue bristles. 1959. Beware; it’s good but tough to watch.
High temp=71 Lights out 12:17am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 30, 2008 3:03 AM.

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