Thursday 31 January 2008

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Awake: 6:47am Temp 30 sleep 7+14 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

I read the latest AARP magazine. Then we watch some more of the Republican Debate from yesterday.
Mid afternoon, I reorganize one of my basement storage bins & by accident, find the FCC Amateur Radio papers that I’ve been looking for. Then go on-line & continue the registration process for renewal; only to find out my (2) yr extension has expired & now I’ll need to find a volunteer exam coordinator to give me a waver; dang!

Late afternoon, we watch some of the Democratic Debate.

Dinner: Power Burger (hamburger with caramelized onions & provolone cheese melted on top & a mixed salad.

DVR movie: “Narrow Margin” with Charles McGraw, Marie Windsor, Jacqueline White & Queenie Leonard. Hard-boiled cop, transporting a gangster’s widow against his will to the trial in which she’ll testify, must dodge hit men aboard their train who are trying to silence her. One of the best B’s ever made….fast paced, well acted, impressively shot in claustrophobic setting. 1952. You don’t want to miss this one.

High temp=50 Lights out: 12:01am

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