Saturday 2 February 2008

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Awake: 7:02am Temp 37 sleep 7+10 high thin clouds overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

Kathy calls Katrina in Denver; then Jeri in Florida; Melissa in Pennsylvania & Marge in Colorado. Later she makes a call to AARP on issues of her on-line site.

Besides listening to many one-sided conversations, I dig out all papers & envelopes regarding our 2007 taxes & start the process. UGH! Sometime mid-afternoon, I make a call to Barry in Nicktown….but he was out on a business call.

We attend the 5:00pm Mass @ Our Lady of the Valley church. Afterward, some light shopping @ Wal-Mart.

Dinner: leftover Chili with corn chips.

Long DVR movie: “Gone with the Wind” with Clark Cable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Havilland, Thomas Mitchell, Barbara O’Neil, Victor Jory, etc. If not the greatest movie every made, certainly one of the greatest examples of story telling on film, maintaining interest for nearly (4) hrs. 1939. (4) hrs can slip by so quickly when you’re watching a great movie.
High temp=49 Lights out: 12:56am

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