Saturday 16 February 2008

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Awake: 7:25am Temp 43 sleep 7+15 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

Mid morning K & I walk up to the Ace Home Center & return. As we walk, Katrina calls from Denver while driving back from snowboarding with friends. She outlines her busy social plans for the rest of the day & nearly makes my head spin. What a gal!

John B. from Nicktown calls: we have our usual interesting & adventurous conversation giving updates & what-have-you…..for a good (40) min. Always good talking with John.

Next, another session with Nick, Eriko & Jerry using Skype; this time, all systems worked but not so good….due to, we think, heavy cell phone traffic in our area. Signals not strong enough to keep those megabits flowing in a robust fashion; and it might have been the atmosphere; winds, rain, dust storms, etc as well? Anyway, we again reverted to our cell phone backup using (41) min of free time.

K & I attend 5:00pm Mass @ Our Lady of the Valley with some light grocery shopping afterwards.

Dinner: leftover stuffed peppers.

DVR movie: “Iceman” with Timothy Hutton, Lindsay Crouse, John Lone, Josef Sommer, David Strathairn, etc. A Neanderthal man is found frozen in ice. Scientists manage to bring him back to life, but only Hutton is interested in him as a human being & not a lab specimen. Fascinating, credible science fiction made all the more involving by Schepisi’s fine direction & a remarkable performance by Lone, the caveman. 1984. Now we’re talking; this movie was fantastic. No predictables here; just the edge of your seat viewing.

High temp=57 Lights out: 11:36pm

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