Awake: 7:38am Temp 65 sleep 7+40 cloudy, windy & later, heavy rain, strong winds with thunder & lighting overnight @ Newell Campground.
Kathy makes one of her many specialties: sourdough pancakes with real maple syrup & bacon & eggs. Later she does one more load of laundry.
I begin downloading more photos to our family website. The speed was not so fast; (4) pics per minute. After (3) unplanned signal losses, the downloading finished @ 11:00pm. Over 970 pictures, but my category was scattered. I’ll need to clean it up & have it all attached to: Texas Touring 2007.
Call G.W. in eastern Tennessee. He was en route to the airport to fly his airplane so we didn’t talk to long.
Call Jack S. in South Carolina. He & his wife just landed & now they are in a rental car; so the mountain terrain they are driving through is not so good for cell signals; we’ll talk later.
Katrina calls while driving back to her condo after visiting a colleague from her master’s program. Unfortunately, I had to forfeit some of my talk time due to a fast moving weather system; with (2) slides retracted, the gray water drained, my timing was off enough that I did get wet.
Dinner: A tender roast with gravy & a mixed salad.
Mary Ann & Ed call from Long Island, N.Y. It was so neat trying to catch up with the yrs lost & our attempt in expressing how those small kids have grown into adulthood so fast & what each of us has been doing in retirement, etc. One hour of phone talk isn’t going to cover it but now @ least, we know each other’s phone # & e-mail address.
High temp=82 Lights out: 11:49pm
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