Monday 1 October 2007

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Awake: 4:30am Temp 60 sleep 4+43 sunny overnight @ Newell Campground.

At 6:00 am & still dark, I get the telescoping ladder out, climb up on the roof & sweep off the leaves & debris from the (2) slides we left out overnight.

Dave, a Newell driver, takes our coach around back & inside Bay # 12.

Mid morning, I talk with John, VP of customer service, about Kathy not being happy with her Advantium oven & would like to exchange it for a newer one that has the convection feature. Later, John talks to Sam who talks with Boyd who eventually visits & has a talk with Kathy. She explains why she dislikes her oven to Boyd who listened carefully & then his response: zilch.

This morning, with all due respect, nothing was done on our coach. Monday usually brings a fresh group of coaches that need some attention & the schedulers assign techs to different machines matching their skills to the problem or fix required.

During the afternoon, we had more action. Randy grouts the entire kitchen & dinette area & that was impressive. During the grouting, Bobby satisfied the Bendix brake recall on certain coaches & ours was one of them.

After 6:00pm, we Carefully have dinner in our coach due to one side of the kitchen having recently laid wet granite tile:Tuna with egg & cheese on a whole wheat bun.

Tonight’s TV: Modern Marvels & the O’Reilly Factor.

High temp=79 Lights out: 11:03pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 6, 2007 4:14 AM.

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