Wednesday 19 September 2007

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Awake: 5:35am sleep 5+49 overnight in Bay # 12.

Both the pilot & co-pilot chairs are removed this morning so Randy & Jimmy can tile the front section with granite.

It’s another day like yesterday; the techs are rebuilding the space where the refrigerator will be placed & thus, they are in & out of our coach. So, we take the hint & mostly stay out unless it’s their break time.

Late afternoon, we have a gathering in the customer service lounge; Walter & Denise, Dick & Christina + Kathy & me. Dick brings some good champagne from France & some very good bourbon; Denise brings some snacks, pepper jelly & crackers and salsa & corn chips. We celebrate Dick’s 76th birthday. K & I give Dick a nice birthday card.

After the small party is over, K & I follow D & C to the Buffalo Run Restaurant & Casino, about (5) miles away & have a real meal. K & I share a salmon dinner which was surprisingly good. We drove separate cars because D & C are staying in a nearby motel since they cannot sleep in their coach’s bedroom as it is a work in progress. The techs made some good headway on our renovation today.

Lights out: 12:03am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 23, 2007 8:25 PM.

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