Thursday 20 September 2007

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Awake: 6:15am Sleep 6+12 overnight in Bay # 12

Morning & afternoon: it’s deja vu for the techs & for us; the techs continue their in & out of our coach routine & we do our best to stay out of their way.

By the end of the work day, Mooney & Randy finish up with the full size refrigerator installation & getting all the trim back together. Mooney spends some extra time making sure the refrigerator is level & the doors are evenly matched to the cabinet.

About 4:30pm Tommy asks if we would like to be outside for the weekend; “you bet” I tell him. Dave the driver, grabs a fold up chair, gets behind the wheel & drives our coach out onto a Newell Campground site.

One of the techs brought out the portable freezer & plugged it in @ our campsite after the coach was parked; then K & I waste no time in getting that frozen food into our new freezer drawers and the food from the small frig drawers into the new full size frig. It felt good to have extra empty space available for more food.

We are parked next to Lee & Isabel who invite us outside for some late afternoon wine. Kathy assembles a snack dish of cheese, crackers, & ham slices; then we gab until dark. L & J are leaving for PA early tomorrow morning so we say our “goodbyes” until we meet again.

Evening movie: “Saraband” with Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson, Borje Ahlstedt, Julia Dufvenius. Ullmann & Josephson return as Marianne & Johan, the dysfunctional couple they created so unforgettably & reunite (30) yrs after their divorce & involved in family turmoil. 2003. Swedish with English subtitles. A sad story from beginning to end. Go ahead; punish yourself & watch it sometime. Maybe you’ll feel good not having any such problems as this family.

High temp=86 Lights out: 12:10am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 23, 2007 8:28 PM.

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