Sunday 26 August 2007

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Awake: 6:25am Temp 64 sleep 6+04 thru the night & early this morning….rain overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

Kathy makes sourdough pancakes with all the trimmings + bacon & sausage for breakfast.

Mid afternoon, my cousin & elementary & high school classmate, Roger K., drives up. He lives in Texas with his wife but loves to visit his hometown of Nicktown over the Labor Day weekend with the Homing Coming Festival & picnic next Sunday. Roger & I sit outside & chat for a few hrs, then move inside to have our wine & cheese before eating a dinner of: pork roast, baked potato & salad.

After I finish the dishes, I call another nearby classmate & his wife & invite them to join us for the evening. They do & we end up having a good ole time with a little wine, a few snacks, a little reminiscing & a slide show from Barry’s memory stick of their Alaska tour last year, the Redding WWII weekend of a couple months ago, & the Indiana Air Show of last week; something for everyone, I think.

We sort of lost track of time until someone mentioned that it’s after midnight; like 1:50am. After that, we scrambled & seriously considered calling it a night. I drove Roger back to his sister’s place where he is staying & Kathy had the bed ready on my return. It was truly a fun evening.

High temp=74 Lights out: 2:15am

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