Sunday 16 September 2007

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Awake: 7:29am Temp 58 sleep 6+52 sunny overnight @ Newell campground.

A morning surprise: Kathy looks out her galley window while preparing breakfast & spots a familiar face, Dick C. is our next door neighbor. We both go outside & welcome him to the neighborhood. His wife, Christine, is still sleeping. They are here for a few days for motorhome service. We have casually kept in touch with D & C but didn’t have any idea that they were scheduled to be here during our time. Shortly after gabbing with Dick, Christine joins in the yak session. We plan on a dinner rendezvous for later today.

Meanwhile, with Kathy doing (2) loads of laundry & our bus spending (4) days in the service bldg + (2) days outside, our waste water needs emptying; so we organize our home in preparation for the shrinkage, retract the slides, etc & then drive the bus about 150 ft & push the right buttons to empty the tank.

We meet Dick & Christine @ 6:32pm @ Montana Mike’s. We all have some wine & gab for about (2) hrs during our meal. K & I share a beef filet with a baked potato & a salad. They have an ambitious travel plan for the next (6) weeks so we feel honored to be privy to the info & master plan.

Mid evening movie: “Journey for Margaret” with Robert Young, Laraine Day, Fay Bainter, Nigel Bruce, etc. Stirring WWII drama of children left homeless by British bombing. 1942. A touching story.

We call Nick in Seattle & talk for about (30) min. He enlightens us on Eriko’s latest activities: # (2) in charge of the ladies choral group, preparing to give private voice lessons, & looking into part time music teaching at a day care where she can bring Jerry.

Call Zack & leave a message that we called.

High temp=83 Lights out: 11:12pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 22, 2007 8:25 PM.

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