Awake: 5:15am Temp 62 sleep 6+04 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.
K & I walk to 8:00 am Mass & afterward, join the Koffee Klub for an hr. Kathy leaves early to help with more noodle making.
Like a broken record, I continue working on the van. Both Kevin & Melissa complained about excessive wind noise on several occasions during their recent trips. So today I spend (4) hrs…that’s right, four hrs; taking the old weather-stripping off the co-pilot’s window & re-installing the new weather-stripping. I didn’t know what to expect as I had no information on the process except some small experience of taking door panels off many yrs ago. I was thoroughly impressed with the higher quality of the weather-stripping however; it fit nicely into the channels but was very challenging when working inside the door.
Kathy returns from noodle making @ 1:30 & brought me a lunch of chicken noodle soup; I needed that break.
The captain’s door/window weather-stripping removal & re-installation took only 2.5 hrs. See, I learn eventually. When finished, I invited Kathy to go with me for a local area test drive. Aside from the diesel engine noise, little or no wind noise could be heard from the windows. In fact, I would build up speed, put the transmission in neutral & then coast for a good wind noise check; still, little or no wind noise coming thru. Also on the test drive, we made many left & right turns & again, no horn beeping. So, only one more thing on the list: fixing the pilot’s sun visor sometime later this week.
7:00pm dinner: BLT with homegrown tomatoes on whole wheat maxi buns.
After dinner, I walk up to the social hall of the school building for a special Holy Name Society meeting with Father Job officiating. 15 guys were present for about an hr of discussion on the pros & cons of air conditioning the church hall. Father wanted to move forward on this project but had to have the H.N.S. majority vote of the members before bringing it before the Parish Council. I was happy to witness the unanimous vote.
Later in our motorhome, I selected a movie for us to watch; within (15) min, Kathy was sound asleep. She worked hard @ making noodles this morning. No problem I thought; with this new DVR unit, I can simply back up to where she left off & we’ll watch it another night.
High temp=83 Lights out: 11:22pm
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